Jello Pillow
Photography series, 2011

We all have dreams for the future. But the dreams can be limiting us as well; in how we live our present. The pillow of jello is your dream. And when you lie your head down on a pillow of jello, you dream. When you get up and live your present life again, the traces of jello in your hair will still follow you. The traces of  your dreams. And one day you will conqueor the limits you now have.

Lie your head down on the jellopillow, not to forget what you’ve been dreaming of.
Your routine ties you down in a certain kind of life, there´s so many problems, so many impossiblities, with so many reasons..
But you lie your head down on jellopillow, soft sweet transparent dreams are there,
Eventhough you should be woken up;
look at you,
your hair, jellowdreams are still sticking on you everywhere, afterall.

Collaboration with Choi Q Rang